Your Influence is Powerful!

Your Influence is Powerful!

Influence is powerful!  Some people have failed to recognized the significance of influence, and it’s true meaning.  When GOD is preparing you for influence, HE begins to deal with your personal character, to prepare you for a great responsibility.  What exactly is influence? Influence can be defined as the ability to affect the character, development, or behavior of someone or something. It requires developing a strong emotional connection with yourself and others. Influence is NOT about control! Influence is not based on popularity; wealth, celebrity status, or the number of followers you have. Influence is “impact” and your ability to lead and shift the lives of others.  Influence is a responsibility because you are able to influence others without even opening your mouth.

I believe influence carries weight, and GOD is seeking those who are able to carry his weight with integrity and responsibility.  Influence requires you to do a brain dump and have clear focus.  You must be able to discern well, and make the right decision even if it requires saying “NO.”  When you have influence, you just can’t say or do anything you want to do.  You have to use discernment because your endorsement to a person or situation carries much weight.  

Rather you recognize it or not, you have some form of influence in your sphere of authority.  Influence requires accountability; humility; skill, and discernment. The more influence you have, the more responsibility you are given.  Many people ask GOD for more; without recognizing that when GOD gives you more, HE requires more of you and from you.  Whilst I believe that we all have the power to influence people, sometimes this can feel hard as you first learn and practice this skill. Remember that influence doesn’t just manifest itself in your words, but also in your actions: 

  • Completing projects on time, in a quality way, and with enthusiasm and innovation shows reliability, which in turn builds your influence. 
  • Being known for unquestionable reliability means others can count on you for your input and to deliver in a crunch. 

Being entrusted with influence is something I value, and also something I protect. When you understand the weight of whose you are, who you are, what you carry, and the responsibility that comes with it, you will honor it, and secure it.  Influence should be something you honor, something you cherish, and something you want GOD to trust you to carry.

Love and Blessings, until next time.

God's girl 🌈


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