Pray With Humility & Trust the Process

Pray With Humility & Trust the Process

Too many times I've second-guessed a decision I was confident about.  Why do I do that? Because, I want so desperately to follow God's will that I'll pray, but then feel uncertain, not wanting to make a wrong turn. I wonder: Maybe this isn't what I'm supposed to be doing. Like maybe this isn't part of God's plan for my life. Have you ever felt like you were going in circles but not making any progress? At least not the kind of progress you're hoping for.

Are the shiny things of the world pulling you in a million different ways, causing you to question if you're headed in God's direction?

If you're anything like me, you have plans and dreams you want to fulfill. Most days it seems like you're just in survival mode, instead of living out those dreams or accomplishing your goals. You're surrounded by too many choices, distractions and interruptions.  So, what do you do? You pray with humility, seek God and read your bible for revelation. That's what I did.

Psalm 25:8-10 says,"The LORD is good and does what is right; he shows the proper path to those who go astray. He leads the humble in doing right, teaching them his way. The LORD leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands" 

And when you have clarity with no doubts don't let nobody lead you astray. Some people will not understand your God- given vision because they weren't part of the call between you and Jesus. If God gives you a yes, then why doubt Him with man's no? Remember, God hasn't called you be perfect. It's okay to not have it altogether, just stay at Jesus feet because He is the whole package you should open. As I like to say,

"If I knew how to be good at everything, then I wouldn't need God for anything." ~ Shenine Wiggs

Love and Blessings, until next time.

God's girl 🌈


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