Pray, But Don't Be Distracted By The Enemy

Pray, But Don't Be Distracted By The Enemy

The enemy and those who love him love to distract you from spending time with the Lord! As you’re increasing your prayer time with God, it is imperative that you take note and realize how the enemy uses mental distractions to distract you. The enemy doesn’t want you to focus during prayer, and is coming after your devotion and mind being solely on God.  He will bring all sorts of distractions to your mind especially during prayer. You will find yourself thinking about the most irrelevant subjects such as what you’re going to drink or eat, what you’re going to wear, or like did you check your text messages?

You could be in the middle of prayer when the enemy shows up with a random thought to derail you from your time with God. If that’s happening to you, don't stress because it happens to everyone who intentionally set their heart and mind on devotion. It's important during this time that you cast down all imaginations that attempt to exalt itself against God. Command your mind to line up, and be subject to the Spirit of God. In doing that, you’re learning to practice hosting the presence of God, and therefore, teaching your flesh to SUBMIT.  The enemy wants to hinder your personal growth. When we lack a personal relationship with God, we grow spiritually weak, which makes us an easy target for the enemy to destroy. 


With this in mind, we need to strengthen our spiritual life through praying, fasting, and reading our Bible. Simply, detox your mind during times of prayer. Calm and rest your spirit, as needed. Command your mind to line up and obey your time of prayer by being quiet. Stillness is powerful. Oftentimes, we try to force prayer, when we should just be still.  The more you practice mental detox (removing all negative thinking patterns and clear the mind to refocus and balance) during your prayer time, the clearer your mind will become.

When the enemy distracts you from God, you can’t hear God’s voice. Therefore, it is easy to stray and lose sight of God’s plans for you. Not only do we lose sight of His plans, but we replace them with our own. The first step to fulfilling God’s plan for us is to allow Him to take control.  1 Peter 5:8 tells us “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”  Society tells us we must climb the ladder to success. Now, there is nothing wrong with excelling at your job.  Where we go wrong is when we become workaholics—allowing our work and career to become our idol. With that said, our 9-5 jobs, businesses, and side hustles should never be a priority over God

We will often hear the outcries for the abandoned family unit, but not much chatter about our neglected relationship with God. Remember, it is the enemy’s goal to keep you busy with working and building your dream business and career, so you won’t have time to follow God. Proverbs 3:6 scripture reminds us to put God first in everything we do. The enemy will invoke false claims that you’re just babbling and God doesn’t hear you. Trust me, God hears you, and you’re not babbling. You’re praying, and the enemy is upset because you’re using your supernatural language to make contact with God.

Don’t focus so hard on speaking in your supernatural language, (tongues) that your time with God becomes carnal. Yield gently to the spirit of God, and allow the rivers to flow easy. The enemy is getting nervous because you’re no longer depending on your native language to articulate to God. Pray and remember God is listening.

Love and Blessings, until next time.

God's girl 🌈



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